South of Chihuahua, Itineraries of the Past

South of Chihuahua, Itineraries of the Past

The history, geography and images of the beautiful territories south of the state of Chihuahua. Spanish


Beatriz Quintanar Hinojosa 


  • Libertad Villarreal


  • Clara Bargellini, Salvador Álvarez and Chantal Cramaussel

Peek inside the book

This book, from the most diverse angles and through its excellent texts and images, aims to enlighten its readers about the rich history of the region to the south of the state. “South of Chihuahua, Itineraries of the Past” is divided into five sections corresponding to the towns of Balleza, Parral, Valle de Allende, Jimenéz and Camargo, all located in the southern area of Chihuahua and represented from a historical, geographical and cultural perspective. Available in Spanish

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